"A good neighbor increasesthe value of your property."
- Czech Proverb
"Don’t wait to buy real estate,buy real estate and wait."
- Will Rogers, actor
"There is nothing like stayingat home for real comfort."
- Jane Austen
"The magic thing about home isthat it feels good to leave,and it feels even betterto come back."
- Unknown
"A house is made ofbricks and beams.
A home is made ofhopes and dreams."
"Maybe that’s the best part ofgoing away for a vacation– coming home again."
- Madeleine L’Engle
"There’s nothing half so pleasantas coming home again."
- Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
"Home is where love resides,memories are created,friends and family belong,and laughter never ends."
"Love begins at home."
- Mother Teresa
"If you go anywhere,even paradise,you will miss your home."
- Malala Yousafzai
"The ultimate luxury is being ableto relax and enjoy your home."
- Jeff Lincoln
"Home is the starting place oflove, hope, and dreams."
"The magic thing about home isthat it feels good to leave, andit feels even better to come back."
"Nothing is better thangoing home to family,eating good food, and relaxing."
- Irina Shayk
"There is no place like home."
- L. Frank Baum
"Home is where you feelloved, appreciated, and safe."
- Tracey Taylor
"The sun at home warms betterthan the sun elsewhere."
- Albania Proverb
"Home is the nicestword there is."
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
"The ache for homelives in all of us."
- Maya Angelou
"I want my home tobe that kind of place–a place of sustenance,a place of invitation,a place of welcome."
- Mary DeMuth
"I think that whenyou invite people to your home,you invite them to yourself."
- Oprah Winfrey
"Where we love is home --home that our feet may leave,but not our hearts."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
"Home is where the heart is."
- Pliny The Elder
"The light is what guides you home,the warmth is what keeps you there."
- Ellie Rodriguez
"People usually are thehappiest at home."
- William Shakespeare